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1. Attend the Membership Matters sessions

These two one-hour sessions run once or twice a term, with the pastors, normally on a Sunday afternoon - looking at the church statement of faith, and considering the ‘what & why’ of membership. Following that, people are able to formally apply for membership, should they wish. 


To sign up for the next Membership Matters sessions, please click here.


In the Bible, we are pointed towards church membership for our encouragement, our protection and our instruction. We therefore encourage everyone who considers WBC to be their church to join as a member - and this is the three-step process by which that happens!


2. Membership Interview

Less scary than it sounds!


Meeting with an elder or church member to have the opportunity to share your story of God’s work in your life, and ask any questions you may have. 


3. Vote & Affirmation

At the next Members Meeting (usually termly), one of the elders recommends all those who have applied for membership to the church members, a vote is taken, and assuming a majority, applicants are welcomed into membership. 

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